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TAINICHI BAKUON, Rockin Disco Fever, HEART TOWN Fes, and more are home to talented artists and passionate Asian music lovers. TB-STYLE represents the unity of all these festivals, offering unique and memorable merchandise.
Located in Japan, TB-STYLE offers shipping options to Taiwan. If you'd like to purchase items from TB-STYLE, feel free to email us for personalized shipping rates. Music is our passion, and we love to share it!
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TAINICHI BAKUON BORDERLESS 2024 x BOUNCE collaboration T-shirt
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Due to the April 3rd earthquake in Taiwan, the TAINICHI BAKUON BORDERLESS festival was postponed. We're launching a crowdfunding campaign to aid relief efforts and reschedule the festival.
Your support helps provide immediate aid and brings the festival back to Taiwan.
Check out our crowdfunding page now. Thank you!
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